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Mozilla Thunderbird - Email Setup (IMAP Server)

Before you begin, you will need the following information:

Username: This is an email address hosted by WG Studios Password: Password to the email account being configured IMAP Server: imap.domainname.com SMTP Server: smtp.domainname.com
  1. To add a new account to Thunderbird, follow the next path:
    File > New > Existing Mail Account...
  2. Fill the basic information to see if the account already exists.

    • A. Your name: Julian Gutierrez (This is the name that will be shown to the others).
    • B. Email address: julian@sobeheli.com
    • C. Password: ********
  3. Press "Manual Config" button.
  4. Let's config the incoming mail server and outgoing mail server.

    • A. Incoming: IMAP / imap.sobeheli.com (Server hostname) / 143 (Port) / SSL: None / Normal password (Authentication)
    • B. Outgoing: SMTP / smtp.sobeheli.com (Server hostname) / 25 (Port) / SSL: None / Normal password (Authentication)
    • C. Username: julian@sobeheli.com (Remember that the Username must be your complete mail)
    And press "Create Account"
  5. Done! you can now check your email in Thunderbird.