Outlook 2007 - Email Setup (IMAP Server)
Before you begin, you will need the following information:
Username: This is an email address hosted by WG Studios
Password: Password to the email account being configured
IMAP Server: imap.domainname.com
SMTP Server: smtp.domainname.com
To add a new account to Outlook 2007, follow the next path:
Tools > Account Settings -
Inside "E-mail" tab press "New..." button.
In this window will ask for your name and email, skip that and clic on "Manually configure server settings or additional server types". then press "Next" button.
Choose E-mail service, select "Internet E-mail" option and press "Next".
Fill the required information for User, Server and Logon information.
- A. Your Name: Julian Gutierrez (This will be your name, as shown to the others)
- B. E-mail Address: julian@sobeheli.com
- C. Account Type: POP
- D. Incoming mail server (POP3): pop.sobeheli.com
- E. Outgoing mail server (SMTP): smtp.sobeheli.com
- F. User Name: julian@sobeheli.com (Remember that the User name must be your complete mail)
- G. Password: ********
First, go to Outgoing Server tab and activate the option "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication".
Now go to Advanced tab and check if your Ports for Incoming server and Outgoing server are alright. If they do, clic on "Ok"
Now you can complete the process. Press "Next" button to finish the email settings.
Done! now you can check and send emails from your account in Outlook 2007.